Voici les critères d'éligibilité selon la FAHR (et eux ils en mettent une tartine, alors soyez attentifs ! Si ça vous gonfle, allez directement à la traduction, j'ai essayé de condenser au maximum.)
The following requirements must be met for a horse to be eligible for registration in FAHR.
(1) Applicant horse may have only one (1) non-Appaloosa ancestor appearing in the forth generation, and must be 75% (contain only four (4) non-Appaloosa ancestors) in the fifth generation.
(A) Applicant horse is considered the first generation in all computations
(B) All horses whose ApHC number contains an "F" preceding the number or any horse whose ApHC registration number is 69,999 or less (listed through book 8 of the studbooks and has no letter prefix) and is permanent by production is considered to be a purebred Appaloosa. Therefore, for eligibility purposes, the purebred individual is given a numeric weight of 100% Appaloosa, and its ancestors are not then counted against the number of crosses allowed, regardless of the generation in which it appears.
(C) Horses carrying a “NC”, “ID”, or “PC” prefix before the ApHC number will be given individual consideration based on the parentage of the ancestor, applicant in question.
(1) Parentage which contains both parents as non-Appaloosa, will be reflected as non-Appaloosa in the computation of eligibility.
(b) The registration requirements in this section can not be altered, superseded, or deleted to reflect a lesser percentage for the purposes of FAHR eligibility. These percentages may be increased over time, and as in accordance with Article XI of these bylaws. This section and subsection is in force for the duration of the life of the corporation.
(c) Applicant horse must be c urrently registered with the Appaloosa Horse Club, Inc. of USA or with Appaloosa Horse Club of Canada.
The following is a listing of some criteria which make the applicant horse automatically ineligible for registration
with FAHR:
(a) HYPP - Horses descending from families known to carry the dominant gene Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis (HYPP) will not be registered in this Registry regardless of the generation, pedigree, or testing outcome. HYPP is cons idered to be of recent origin, and is felt by this registry to not have had sufficient time elapse for long range scientific research into the ramifications this condition may place on future generations.
(b) Greying Gene - Individual horses who exhibit signs of the greying gene will not be eligible for registration in this Registry. A horse that exhibits the greying gene is often born black, but may be born of any base color, and often within a few days many white hairs will appear around the eyes, giving it a sort-of goggle appearance. Foals exhibiting this particular goggle appearance will not be eligible for registration. Any mature horse that has a coat of nonpigmented hairs (white), but shows spotted skin underneath the nonpigmented hairs, will be considered a grey and will be ineligible for registration with FAHR, and if it has been registered with FAHR but later exhibits this condition, FAHR recognition will be withdrawn and the registration will be revoked (note: the greying gene s hould not be associated with lesser contrasting color, some individuals appear to have faded spots because of lack of bold contrast, this does not necessarily reflect a horse with the greying gene). Because of a lack of solid scientific research into the effects of the greying gene in hereditability from those individuals whom through research trace back to a known exhibitor of the greying gene, and the fact that many of the individual who are noted as originators of the original Appaloosa breed pool carried or exhibited the greying gene, this Registry will not ban recognition of those individuals of ancestry which includes the greying gene, but will ban those who currently exhibit this undesirable condition.
(c) Parrot Mouth - Horses who exhibit the condition known as Parrot Mouth (Overshot Jaw) will not be eligible for registration in this Registry. For the purposes of this registry, this condition is defined as having the upper incisors overhang the lowers. This condition is strongly suspected as having a familial hereditability tendency .
(d) Paint Characteristics - Horses who exhibit Paint characteristics will not be eligible for registration in this Registry. For registration purposes,
the following are considered to be Paint characteristics:
(1) Blue or glass eye(s).
(2) Bald Face - For the purposes of registration, a bald face defined as anything which exceeds the generally accepted definition of Blaze.
To further define, the white may not be closer than 1/4 inch to the inside corner of the eye.
(3) High White - for purposes of registration, high white (otherwise known as a stocking) is defined as white that appears higher than three (3) inches below the knee or hock.
(e) Monorchids/Criptorchids - Horses who exhibit the condition known as Monorchid or Criptorchid will not be eligible for registration in this Registry.
(f) Minimum Height Requirement- -Horses who at maturity stand less than 14 hands when measuring from the bottom of the hoof to the highest point of the withers, will be ineligible for registration with FAHR. If a FAHR recognized horse is discovered to stand less than 14 hands, their registration will be revoked, and the ApHC and ApHCC will be duly notified of our findings.
Donc pour être éligible FAHR, le cheval doit satisfaire aux critères suivants - sachant que pour calculer l'éligibilité, le cheval est considéré comme la 1ère génération, les parents la 2ème, grands-parents la 3ème, etc etc (entre l'APHC qui considère que le cheval ne compte pas dans le nombre de générations et la FAHR qui elle le compte, ça simplifie pas vraiment la compréhension des calculs... comme s'ils ne pouvaient pas partir sur la même base de niveau, mais pourquoi faire simple...) :
- Etre inscrit à APHC ou à l'APHCC
- Avoir seulement 1 ancêtre non-appaloosa au maximum à la 4ème génération et au maximum 4 à la 5ème et avoir 75% de sang appaloosa.
- Les chevaux ayant un numéro APHC inférieur ou égal à 69999 sont considérés comme 100% appaloosa (donc les F, les #, les T, les BT et B#)
- Les chevaux ayant un numéro APHC commençant par NC, ID ou PC seront examinés individuellement pour déterminer le pourcentage selon leurs ancêtres (en gros un ID issu de 2 QH sera considéré comme 0%)
- Ne pas être porteur des gènes ou des défauts de conformation suivants : HYPP, gris, bec de perroquet, caractéristiques appartenant aux paint-horses (yeux bleus, liste trop large, balzannes trop hautes - les caractéristiques d'un sabino bien marqué somme toute), monorchidie ou cryptorchidie, taille adulte inférieure à 142.24cm (ben oui, c'est précis hein, au milimètre prêt ! les petits plaisirs de la conversion des mains en cm...)
- En pratique, on prend le pedigree de son cher cheval, on remonte jusqu'aux fondateurs, et/ou jusqu'aux ancetres non appaloosa. Un fondateur c'est 100%, un non-appaloosa c'est 0%. Le pourcentage d'un cheval donné c'est la moyenne de ses deux parents. En gros si on croise un fondateur avec un QH, le produit est 50%, on le croise avec un issu de 2 fondateurs, ça fait 75%, etc etc...